In this post i'm going to show you how to create and associate a public ip to an existing Virtual Machine.
1. Firstable you have to look for "Public IP" Above in the Azure search option.
2. Then choose +Add in the Public Addresses option.
4. Go back to the search option above the portal and look for "Nic"
5. Choose doing click on the nic associated to the Virtual Machinne.
6. Go to IP Configurations Option, do click.
7. Click on the Private IP Addresses
8. Click on the Enabled option over Public IP Addreses insomuch it should appears Disabled.
9. Choose the Public IP you created in the thirst step previously.
10. Click on Save
1. Go to the VM Configuration you associated a public IP before.
2. Click on "add inbound port rule" in the security group options.
3. Create a public rule where you have to permit communications to the Public IP through the port needed by the service.